Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Casualties of Hostessing

The idea of hosting large parties can sometimes stress me out. The largest party I've hosted on my own was for probably about 15 people. Not too bad right? Not much cooking was involved and all I had to do was provide the place. Easy right? Tonight I decided to take another step in the world of hostessing. Some might say I jumped in the deep end too quickly, but when I volunteered my home I thought I was up for the task. What was I thinking? Cooking for 30 people scares me more than anything in the world. The thought of needing everything to be prepared on time and hot for when everyone arrives, AND then ready to eat is just impossible to me. Fortunately for me I have some stellar friends who make it all but impossible for me to screw up. Now fast forward to the party. Everything was ready on time and warm. Lots of compliments were given on certain dishes that were served. Recipes were even asked for by many. Tonight my team decided that they wanted breakfast for dinner and to have a pancake bar. Nothing too complicated there. In terms of the pancakes, I had one griddle for the stove and one of my partners brought his griddle that plugs into an outlet. Sadly the first round of pancakes were burned directly ONTO my griddle, and no I didn't do it. So that left just one griddle...placed right in front of my roommate's microwave. Now fast forward again. As we're cleaning the kitchen I noticed there was something a tad bit wrong with Kristie's microwave. OH SHOOT! Apparently griddles can melt microwaves. Who knew? While Kristie and I have had a good laugh about it, what are we going to do in terms of cooking food? I guess we'll go microwave shopping this weekend...or tomorrow so we don't starve.

Here are some pictures of the damage.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Yes, dear roommate, it could only happen to us. Especially since our food supply is mainly microwaveable. :)