Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Client Say What?

It's hard to believe, but come August I will have officially been in the financial planning industry for three years. Or if you want to go by how my VP does time in the business, half a decade. I can't wait until I hit year five so that I can say "the better part of a decade."

I must say that it's becoming increasingly more and more apparent that there can be some crazy clients out there. A few of the guys that I work with and I have been telling war/horror stories of what we've experienced thus far just from our short time in the business. There is some weird stuff! So I've decided to compile a list of the ridiculous/frustrating/hilarious moments that have already been encountered.

*One day I was calling to follow up with a client to see if they had signed the paperwork yet and the wife answered the phone. I explained who I was and why I was calling and she replied with "honey, he died!" After I call the life insurance company, I come to find out that he was murdered and she is a suspect. Awesome....never going out there by myself again.

*A guy that I work with came over from Edward Jones, and he literally had someone drive their car through his office front right into the lobby....twice. After the second time he of course asked for cement barriers to go in front. What were these people looking thru mutual funds? A literal one stop shop?

*On a trip to the middle of no where with one of my partners, I asked him what the weirdest thing that has ever happened to him in a meeting was. His answer was very short, but oh so funny. He said "Laura, last week I had a lady move from her seat over to the couch I was sitting on and put her head in my lap." If that's not awkward, I don't know what is.

There are so many other stories...but sadly the time has come for me to actually do some work and be what my parents call a "productive member of society." More stories to come I'm sure!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

so funny! i'm not even sure what i'd do!!!