Monday, October 6, 2008

Mark the Time

That's right kids, I finally did it! I've decided to create my very own blog. You might be thinking to yourself, "self, why in the world did Laura cave so quickly?" Honestly, I have no idea. I think it has something to do with my wanting to contribute to the delinquency of all of my blog stalking friends while at work. I know we all need one more thing to help contribute when the all day long emails aren't cutting it.

So with that I say WELCOME! I'm glad to have you visit what my roommate would probably call "my little corner of the institution." I look forward to you being a part of the inner ramblings of my mind and the ridiculously awkward moments that come my way almost daily.

I love you guys! Sweet dreams!


Kristie said...

La La has a blog!!!! :)

Sarah said...

welcome to the blogging world friend :)

Kristie said...

Dude, I still think if people were smart they would bug our house just to hear the random conversations we have. I'm not sure we're capable of having serious ones. What does that say about us???

Jen Lewis said...

welcome friend.