Monday, January 5, 2009

Uninvited Squatter

Over the past 24 hours I've had quite a bit of "excitement" in my world. Most of it falls under the category of "I have to put it in quotes simply because it's not the type of excitement anyone enjoys," but one story is deserving of being shared with anyone who will listen.

Today I decided to come home for lunch in an effort to save money in the eating out department. Whenever I got home it was pouring down rain and as I walked into the living room I noticed the back door was wide open. Now that's odd! Kristie and I haven't been in the backyard in literally months, and we always keep that door locked. So why in the world is it open right now? At this particular moment I decide to call my roommate and just ask if she forgot to shut the door this morning for some reason. Kristie of course says "no crazy, I haven't been in the backyard in months." Hmm. Now what is a girl to do? I think many would agree that running to a neighbor's house and calling 911 would be a viable option. What did I do? Well, I'll let you guess.

A.) Did just that! Ran to the next door neighbor and called 911 just to be safe.
B.) Told Kristie to stay on the phone with me while I walked through the house and checked all the closets. Also telling her that if I scream to hang up and call 911.
C.) Decide to brave it on my own and look through the house...assuming that I could do anything that Jennifer Garner does in Alias just because I've watched it enough over the past week.
D.) Locked the door and went immediately back to the office, leaving any uninvited guests for my roommate when she gets home.

I mean if you know me at all you can probably guess very easily which one I did. But just to give you a hint, it's actually a mixture of two. Oh and in case you're wondering, there's nothing missing and as far as we can tell, no one was in our house.


Jen Lewis said...

I guess B.

Sarah said...

I guess a combo of C & D. You looked through the house with your Alias skills, and got halfway through and decided to run out and go to the office!

Kristie said...

Since I'm the roommate and lived through the experience, I'm going with B & C. You had me on the phone while you checked out our house, ready to pounce on any possible invaders. I would have loved to see you roundhouse-kick someone. :)

cotton said...

As an Aggie, I have to assume that you'll always make the wrong choice, so I'll say "C".