Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lessons Learned...

from Spencer Williams? Yes, it's true. The last 24 hours have been very educational for me. The day literally began with me learning how to drive a standard, and I must say that I'm pretty close to amazing at it. Every time I ask to drive his mini I always get a very quick know, one of those that clearly was never even considered. So in normal fashion I asked again and to my shock and surprise he said "okay, let's go." After I pulled my jaw off the floor and realized he was ready to change seats, I of course jumped at the opportunity. It felt a lot like drivers ed with me first driving only by taking my foot off the brake and coasting in neutral, but it quickly progressed to changing gears and going around the parking garage. Just to keep the surprises coming, he even trusted me enough to drive around the block a few times. I don't think I even trusted myself that much, but yay Spencer for trusting me! It must have been because it was really, REALLY early in the morning and I only saw one car while we were out.

The second lesson learned really warms my heart. Today I learned that there is a Texadelphia in Dallas. I had no idea!! For some reason I thought the only one was in College Station, and that one closed my freshman year right after I fell in love with it for the first time. My life is truly better now for knowing that Texadelphia is only a few miles away from me.

The third and last lesson learned is somewhat profound. Tonight, after trying three different times to take the short cut, I learned that it really only takes longer to get things done well. I'll spare you the details on what we were working on, but it is with great humility that I must say that Spencer was right the whole time. Why didn't I listen the first time? I must be a slow learner. I do know for a fact that I don't have an ounce of the beaver personality type in me. I'm all Lion/Otter and there's nothing I can do about it!

Well, that's all you get in lessons learned tonight. Apparently three points is all you need to make a good Baptist sermon anyways. Ironically, I think that's true too.


Elizabeth said...

There's a Texadelphia in Plano not very far from us. Maybe you can come up here and we can go there sometime. If that's what it takes to bribe you to get up here..haha.

Sarah said...

you should really not admit these's only going to feed his ego!