Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pity, Party of One

All I can say is that I'm guilty. I think I might be the queen of pity parties, especially when I feel like I'm suffering in some way. The past few weeks I've been going through Job with my community group, and I must say I'm surprised by the people I'm relating to in the first 14 chapters. On any given day I feel like I could say I relate to Job and him not understanding why God is allowing him to suffer...but the shock for me is coming from how I can relate to Job's friends and how quickly I get to that place. My heart can be so sinful and so ugly, and the sad part is that I don't realize it until I'm in the pit looking for a way out. I'm so guilty of looking at the people around me and either getting frustrated with the gifts God has given them and not me...or buying into the lie that only the wicked should suffer. I think that might only make sense in my head right now, but I just can't get over how quickly I can get to such a bad place without even realizing it. Tonight I was working through some of the questions at the end of the study and the last one asked what two questions I would ask God if I knew I would get an anwer. Right now I only have one, but I think I would ask God why He lets me suffer & why it's in the way that I do.

What would you ask?

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