Monday, August 3, 2009

Six Degrees of Separation

First of all, let me start off by saying that I totally pulled this idea off of Amanda Moore's blog, but I thought it was too fun to pass up on. So here are some fun questions for you!

Do we know each other? If so, how?

Ex: We shared scissors with each other when we were in kindergarten.
Ex: We worked at Pine Cove together and still don't know each other's real names.

Maybe we don't know each other, but have we ever met?

Ex: Yes, we actually met in the bathroom of the MSC when we were students at A&M.
Ex: We met that one time running around White Rock Lake, but you were actually walking and looking a lot like death.

Do we have a mutual friend or acquaintance?

Ex: My sister dated your brother when they were in high school...and only during church camp that one summer.
Ex: I'm your old roommate's cousin.

If the answer is no to all three, do we have something in common?

Ex: We both wear a similar piece of jewelry on our right ring fingers. Whoop!
Ex: We both wish we were still in Junior High and therefore live vicariously through Junior High students at Watermark.
Ex: We were both in ASC at A&M and both dropped out a year into it.

In reality, this is just a way to get people to comment on my blog, but fun just the same!


Sarah said...

Ummm...yes, you most definitely know me. We met at Group Link at Watermark...and are soon (at some undeterminable date) going to be roommates! :)

Unknown said...

I run into you every now and again. You look vaguely familiar. So yeah, I think I know you.

Unknown said...

man...not many people commented...

We have a lot in common...the question is...can you figure out what the most important thing is? If you ever move to Houston, I can fill you in on that secret!