Monday, November 24, 2008

Change of Pace

Yesterday Sharon and I decided to shake things up a little bit in our 7th grade girls small group. On any given Sunday night we'll have about 7 or 8 girls who will show up regularly for Bible study, but there are a few nights during the year when only two or three will grace us with their presence. Last night was one of those nights. Earlier in the year we decided to institute a "roll for cream" rule whenever we have a very small group of girls show up. Basically we let the girls decide if they want to go get ice cream or starbucks or some other special treat during small group. Since our sweet Mary and Elaine were the only two to show up last night, we decided to treat ourselves with Cheesecake Factory. So fun! We also invited their moms to join us for this special field trip. I have to say we probably have some of the greatest parents and some of the cutest girls ever! Here are some pictures from last night and some of the highlights from our Cheesecake Factory experience.

  • Mary and Elaine teaching our waitress David Penuel's "OH MY GOSH" from Pine Cove.

  • The girls asking random people if they wanted hugs and yelling that their arms are wide open.

  • Elaine screaming at the top of her lungs when a balloon popped at the table next to us.

  • And then of course the girls having an in depth conversation deciding which one is loved most by Sharon and I (we love them both equally of course).

1 comment:

Kristie said...

And that's the way you do small group. I'm so proud.