Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Adventures of the Traveling Microwave

So our microwave is dead, but don't worry we got another one. It's very pretty and new. We'll probably show it some love tonight during dinner...and then again tomorrow and the next day. But with this new microwave sitting very nicely in our kitchen, that leaves a melted one sitting on our kitchen table. Now what do you do with a melted microwave? This question has left Kristie and I stumped this evening. You can't just throw it away...it's too big to fit in the trash can. The third week of every month the garbage man comes around and picks up tree branches and leaves from the curb, but a microwave doesn't exactly fall into the category of foliage. This leaves one other, and possibly very entertaining, option. We could leave it on the curb and hope someone comes by to "reuse" it. Maybe they won't notice that it's melted at the bottom and the door won't shut. They'll get the microwave home, notice that said microwave is dead, put it on their curb, and then the cycle continues. Thus we have our traveling microwave making its way around Dallas. We have a dream of it traveling around the world, but I guess we'll never know. Good luck dear microwave.


cotton said...

I have another option for you. You can take it to our parent's house. They give us all of their crap and I think it's time we give back.

Kristie said...

I still think we should spray paint it or something so we can identify it on other people's curbs.

LMurray said...

leave it on the curb - people will take amything!! or go find a dumpster behind a store after dark and throw it in....or to be less shady just bring it over to our apartment complex and throw it in the dumpster here :)